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Diane Smith


Diane Smith lives in Green Bay and currently teaches Music, is the Choir Director and she gives Voice and piano lessons. Diane also leads worship at her church and was instrumental in passing the Silver Alert law in Wisconsin.  Diane’s mother, Claire Baeb, had dementia and became lost when out for a drive with her husband Leo in Green Bay.  Thirty-six hours later they were found near Milwaukee and Leo, a machine gunner at the Battle of the Bulge, passed away shortly thereafter. 


Claire and her daughters, Diane and Lorraine, worked tirelessly to ensure this wouldn’t happen to anyone else. They testified at hearings, met with legislators and spoke with media.  They did everything they could to get a Silver Alert program created in Wisconsin. Silver Alert is now up and running in Wisconsin with a success rate in the upper ninetieth percentile.  Silver Alert has been credited with saving many lives of Wisconsin residents since its launch.

The Coalition of Wisconsin Aging & Health Groups is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide membership organization that was founded in 1977.

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Coalition of WI Aging & Health Groups

30 West Mifflin Suite 406

Madison, WI 53703

608-224-0606 Toll Free:  1-800-488-2596

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